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Diablo II UnOfficial FAQ [Shrines]

>                       Diablo II UnOfficial FAQ [Shrines]

                                                   Составитель: Gleb Shirenkov
                                                          Версия от 04.07.2000
                                       2:5030/518.10 (kinggleb@mail.spbnit.ru)

|           Цитата            |  Название   |             Эффект              |
|"Your skin hardens.."        |Armor        |+Defensive Rating for up to 2 min|
|-                            |Combat       |Double dmg up to 30 secs.        |
|-                            |Energy       |Refills Mana Bubble              |
|-                            |Explosion    |Trapped Shrine that does Fire Dmg|
|                             |             |to anyone near, but provides many|
|                             |             |explosive potions after trap is  |
|                             |             |sprung.                          |
|"Your experience teaches     |Experience   |Double Exp from kills for up     |
| you well.."                 |             |to 2 mins.                       |
|-                            |Gem          |Increases the quality of a gem by|
|                             |             |one tier (random from inventory) |
|                             |             |or provides a random jewel if you|
|                             |             |dont have one in inventory. Skull|
|                             |             |Gems are excluded.               |
|"You feel healthy.."         |Health       |Refills Life Bubble              |
|"Your spiritual force        |Mana Recharge|Double man regen rate for up     |
| recovers quickly.."         |             |to 3 mins.                       |
|"Death's avatar approaches.."|Monster      |Spawns a boss monster w/minions  |
|                             |             |nearby.                          |
|-                            |Poison       |Trapped Shrine that does Poison  |
|                             |             |Dmg to anyone near, but provides |
|                             |             |many poison potions after trap is|
|                             |             |sprung.                          |
|"The freedom to go home.."   |Portal       |Opens a Town Portal to the Rogue |
|                             |             |Encampment.                      |
|"You feel more skillful.."   |Skill        |+2 Skill points to each skill you|
|                             |             |have at level 1+ for up to 3 mins|
|"The weight of the world     |Stamina      |Unlimited Stamina for up to 3 min|
| feels lighter.."            |             |                                 |
|-                            |Wells        |?                                |

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